Scientific illustrations

During the Renaissance, the Baroque and at the age of Enlightenment, scientific illustrations became very successful that many artists specialized in visualizing botanic, medicine, insects etc. It is mainly because of the rise of studies and researches about these areas.

Alois Auer is one of the most well-known botanical illustrator who has insisted on printing of nature. He focused on creating natural artistic objects by examining the use of many plants, rocks and lace. He also invented typometrical system that provides huge number of foreign languages easily printed with ornamental type.

Sydney Parkinson is another artist who makes botanical drawings.

Today when we look at the contemporary art world we can see the hybrid usage of nature and technology. New developments in interaction design brings new expressions of nature. The strongest example for this can be Akira Nakayasu. His work called plant is an interactive installation made out of artificial leaves that moves according to the movements of hands. Also there is a sound changes with reacting to hands. It creates an interactive emotional connection between people and installation.


We can see also more traditional examples of scientific illustrations in modern world but in a different point of view.

Kako Uedo is a contemporary artist whose main subject is human bodies, insects, animals and other organic beings. She is not illustrating these beings but she makes us think about alive things and their connection to us. How they  altered with the cultural changes and also the uncertainty of nature by life cycle and shifting. Nothing is stable and human beings are also shifting with nature. Her main medium is paper and she makes illustrations by cutting papers…




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